Thursday, May 14, 2009

been gone for a while.

well, just here watching the season finale of the office, this show is the best. yesterday i got a chance to hang out with my girlfriend and we also got a chance to check out the movie, "rudo y cursi." i did not know what to expect, but the movie was really good. i want to definitely recommend it to anyone who gets a chance to check it out. so, i have 2 more days left of work and i am feeling good about that. at the moment i am not too sure what i am going to be doing this weekend, but i am hoping on saturday i get a chance to go check out mark chen's new band baby's breath. the show is going to be in a roof, so that shit should be insane. 2 more days, 2 more days. i will make it through.

Friday, May 8, 2009

a little late on this post

last weekend i got a chance to see some of my good friends from florida over the weekend and it was definitely nice time i had hanging out with them. on saturday i got to see them perform at knitting factory and then on sunday my girlfriend and i went down to san diego to see them perform at the casbah. before we saw them that night, we got a chance to check out some shops and spend some time together, it was really nice. highlight of the weekend was hanging out with friends and eating at nature's express, place rules.

a little taste of heaven

i think i am going to die of a heart attack

so, today after work, i got the awesome news of someone ratting me out at work for looking at a site i wasn't suppose to be looking at. i explained how it was a link that was attached to one of the emails i had received in my inbox and how i did not mean to go to the site. i was then told how it did not matter, if i get caught one more time, i am brown bread and will get fired from my job. the most confusing part about this whole situation was how i have been doing good with my numbers and how i always go above and beyond from the expectancy. it still doesn't matter to these corporates that will bend over backwards to make an extra buck. so as i walked to my car and i couldn't help but think how much i hate life at the moment. i unlocked my car and sat down and slammed the door from all the anger that was inside of me. on the drive home, i was just furious to think how i have people trying to get me fired, but to some people it is considered "doing their jobs". i did not know that companies hired narcs that all they do all day is look after what other people are doing at their desk. this job has gotten the best of me and i am sick of it. as i type this right now, i literally feel an aching pain in my chest, i am don't know if i am going to have a heart attack or if its just the anger. one of these days i will escape this damn place and find another place that will not stress me out anymore. i hate the fact that i get home and take my anger out on my family, they don't deserve this shit from me. today is friday and i just have one more day left at this hellhole called work. please, whoever reads this (if there is anyone), hope the best for me, i don't want to die of heart failure.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

cooking with a lot of heart

july 31st 2009

i am going to be setting up a show and its should be really fun. at the moment, the venue is still to be determined. here is the line up:

p.s. eliot
hop along, queen asleis
good friday
baby's breath (mark, you better do it)

i will have all the info soon (hopefully) and a flyer to start promoting it. if you do get a chance, please come out and support the touring bands, its going to be an awesome show.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

really digging this song

the new against me! album should be good. i am really looking forward to it.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

a shitty start for the week...

i woke up late, then i was stuck for 2 and a half hours on the freeway, and to make matters worst, i am stuck here for 6 hours at work. there are so many things about my job that i truly hate, i never thought a job would make me so miserable. this is a terrible time for me.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

mike tyson is INSANE!!!!!


Propagandhi - Fuck the Border feat/ Dan Yemin from If You Make It on Vimeo.

cereal and gore

i took a trip to blockbuster to return the 2 movies i had rented last friday. those two were yes man and boondock saints. i had heard that yes man was a pretty funny movie and i do like jim carey, and of course, i can't resist looking at zooey deschanel, she is a beautiful girl. well, i hated it, i thought it wasn't funny. there were a couple of moments that were KIND OF funny, but movie was pretty mediocre. and now its becoming a common trend for zooey deschanel to sing in most of the movies she is in, its getting pretty old. maybe if the movie comes on tv, i might watch some of it, but over all, super mediocre. as for boondock saints, pretty good action, a bit cheesy at times, but william defoe was pretty hilarious. here is a funny part of the movie.

it was definitely really action packed and it was good, i enjoyed it a lot. so anyhow, i ended up rented two other movies, meltdown and rise of the dead. i have already seen meltdown before and it is an awesome movie, it has its comedy, action, and a bit of suspense, its great. here is a little taste of it.

yeah i know, its nuts. so i am definitely looking forward to watching it again later today. as for rise of the dead, i had heard about it on this horror movie podcast and it sounded promising. to be honest, it was alright, not the best horror i have seen, it was definitely not great, and i wouldn't recommend it either. i was expecting to see a scene that had been talked about on the podcast, but it never happened, so that was definitely a bust. over all, it was alright, i will say i did enjoy it more than yes man, but eh, thats just me. well, enough of this, i am here at my dead end job just getting my life drained out of me and just thinking of about this weekend. looking forward to seeing my homies from fake problems today and tomorrow. and also going to sea world with my family and my girlfriend, so that should be fun. well, this blog is done, talk to you soon blogger.

Friday, May 1, 2009

i had a very terrifying dream last night...

apparently my dog had gotten really sick from something and my dad took him to the vet to check out what was going on with him. after that, i just remember it being blank for a few minutes. shortly after, my dad was back with a paper bag and he looked really sad about something. he told me that unfortunately my dog did not make it and that he brought him back home to say our final good byes, i felt so empty inside. then out of nowhere, my phone alarm went off and i woke up and realized that fortunately it was all just a nightmare. both of my dogs were sleeping with me in my bed and it was such a relief to know that my dog was actually alive and well. i seriously can't wait to go home and spend some time with my dogs.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009